Entry: Tubers, roots, and products derived thereof (feed) - showing version 1
Feed ingrediend group consisting of Tubers, roots, and products derived thereof
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Onions solubles (feed)
| Carrot feed, dried
| Oligofructose, dried (feed)
| Carrot (feed)
| Sweet potato (feed)
| Carrot flakes (feed)
| Dried (sugar) beet pulp (feed)
| Potato protein, hydrolysed (feed)
| Potato flakes (feed)
| Sugar beet (feed)
| (Beet) sugar; [sucrose] (feed)
| Chicory roots powder (feed)
| Potato cuttings, raw (feed)
| Fructo-oligosaccharides (feed)
| Wet (sugar) beet pulp (feed)
| Potato pulp (feed)
| Sugar beet molasses (feed)
| Onions, fried (feed)
| Chicory tops and tails (feed)
| Garlic, dried (feed)
| (Sugar) beet pieces, boiled (feed)
| Manioc; [tapioca]; [cassava] (feed)
| Potato juice, concentrated (feed)
| Almond kernel expeller (feed)
| Juice, beetroot (feed)
| Chicory inulin (feed)
| Dried (sugar) beet pulp, molassed (feed)
| Potato protein, fermented (feed)
| Chicory roots (feed)
| Potatoes (feed)
| Chicory molasses (feed)
| Carrot peelings, steamed (feed)
| Pressed (sugar) beet pulp (feed)
| Potato pulp, dried (feed)
| Dried chicory pulp (feed)
| Potatoes, peeled (feed)
| Jerusalem artichoke (feed)
| (Sugar) beet - molasses, partially desugared and/or debetainized (feed)
| Potato scrapings (feed)
| Chicory seed (feed)
| Manioc, dried (feed)
| Potato granules (feed)
| Carrot, dried (feed)
| Oligofructose syrup (feed)
| Sugar syrup (feed)
| Potato protein fermented, liquid (feed)
| Chicory vinasses (feed)
| Carrot scrapings (feed)
| Pressed (sugar) beet pulp, molassed (feed)
| Potato protein (feed)
| Potato peelings, steamed (feed)
| ... |
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