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Food Standards Agency Codes

Entry: FA-02. Fats and oils and fat and oil emulsions - showing version 1


Descriptor from the classification defined in the food additives legislation (Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008)

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Hierarchy Master Broader Food additive classes (1333/2008) Narrower FA-02.1 Fats and oils essentially free from water (excluding anhydrous milkfat) | FA-02.3 Vegetable oil pan spray | FA-02.2 Fat and oil emulsions mainly of type water-in-oil
Hierarchy legislative classes Broader Food additive classes (1333/2008) Narrower FA-02.3 Vegetable oil pan spray | FA-02.1 Fats and oils essentially free from water (excluding anhydrous milkfat) | FA-02.2 Fat and oil emulsions mainly of type water-in-oil

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broader Food additive classes (1333/2008)
broader_legis Food additive classes (1333/2008)
definition Descriptor from the classification defined in the food additives legislation (Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008)
hierarchyCode_legis Z0001.0003
hierarchyCode_master Z0001.0006.0022.0001.0003
in scheme Legislative-classes | Food type Identifiers
langualCode FA-02.
lastVersion 01.00.001
narrower FA-02.1 Fats and oils essentially free from water (excluding anhydrous milkfat) | FA-02.3 Vegetable oil pan spray | FA-02.2 Fat and oil emulsions mainly of type water-in-oil
narrower_legis FA-02.3 Vegetable oil pan spray | FA-02.1 Fats and oils essentially free from water (excluding anhydrous milkfat) | FA-02.2 Fat and oil emulsions mainly of type water-in-oil
notation A0C59
pref label FA-02. Fats and oils and fat and oil emulsions
scope note Descriptor from the classification defined in the food additives legislation (Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008)
state Facets
termType Facet descriptor
type Concept | Food-type
validFrom 1 Jan 2010 00:00:00.000