Modification of PARNUT for the long-term supply of grazing animals with trace elements and/or vitamins.
Application status
- Risk assessment
- Risk management In progress
- Authorisation
Application details
- Product type
- Feed for particular nutritional uses (PARNUTS)
- Short summary
- Application for the modification of an existing PARNUT (No 59) for the long-term supply of grazing animals with trace elements and/or vitamins under assimilated Regulation 2020/354 by the replacement of an inert non bioavailable form of iron (metallic iron) with an inert non bioavailable form of a different metal (metallic copper).
- Applicant
Animax Ltd.
- Status
In progress
- Phase of assessment
Risk management
- Scientific information
- not specified
- FSA/FSS safety assessment
- Safety Assessment for RP 2059
- Consultation
- not specified