Entry: Animal fresh fat tissues
group covering fresh fat tissues (with eventually minor amounts of lean meat) from all mammals and birds, including game animals.
Part-nature |
Fat tissue (as part-nature)
Source-commodities |
Animal fresh fat tissues
Create code:
Hierarchy Vetinary Drug residues | Broader | Narrower Birds fat tissue | Mammals fat tissue | Mixed fresh fat tissue |
Full Details
allFacets |
definition |
group covering fresh fat tissues (with eventually minor amounts of lean meat) from all mammals and birds, including game animals. |
hierarchyCode_vetdrug |
Z0003 |
implicitFacets |
in scheme |
VetDrugRes hierarchy
narrower_vetdrug |
Birds fat tissue
| Mammals fat tissue
| Mixed fresh fat tissue
notation |
A01TT |
pref label |
Animal fresh fat tissues |
scope note |
group covering fresh fat tissues (with eventually minor amounts of lean meat) from all mammals and birds, including game animals. |
state |
Raw Primary Commodities (RPC)
termType |
Aggregation term
type |
| Food-type