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Food Standards Agency Codes

Entry: Ericaceae - family (live plants)


Live plant organism of the taxonomical group Ericaceae (family) The group is relevant for the list of Botanicals.

Hierarchy term only, do not use in coding.

Term type:


Hierarchy Botanicals Broader Narrower Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy (live plants) | Erica cinerea L. (live plants) | Andromeda spp. (live plants) | Bilberry, bog (live plants) | Lyonia spp. (live plants) | Pieris formosa (Wall.) D.Don. (live plants) | Ledum palustre var. palustre (live plants) | Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don (live plants) | Bearberry (live plants) | Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (live plants) | Rhododendron obtusum Hort. ex Wats. (live plants) | Rhododendron molle (Blume) G. Don (live plants) | Cranberry (live plants) | Blueberry, highbush (live plants) | Wintergreen (live plants) | Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Nutt. (live plants) | Gaultheria fragrantissima Wall. (live plants) | Small cranberry (live plants) | Ledum palustre L. (live plants) | Rhododendron simsii Planch (live plants) | Agarista salicifolia (Lam.) G.Don (live plants) | Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D.Don.ex G.Don. (live plants) | Erica arborea L. (live plants) | Kalmia latifolia L. (live plants) | Erica tetralix L. (live plants) | Heather (live plants)

Full Details

definition Live plant organism of the taxonomical group Ericaceae (family) The group is relevant for the list of Botanicals.
hierarchyCode_botanic Z0084
in scheme Botanicals
narrower_botanic Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy (live plants) | Erica cinerea L. (live plants) | Andromeda spp. (live plants) | Bilberry, bog (live plants) | Lyonia spp. (live plants) | Pieris formosa (Wall.) D.Don. (live plants) | Ledum palustre var. palustre (live plants) | Rhododendron anthopogon D. Don (live plants) | Bearberry (live plants) | Rhododendron ferrugineum L. (live plants) | Rhododendron obtusum Hort. ex Wats. (live plants) | Rhododendron molle (Blume) G. Don (live plants) | Cranberry (live plants) | Blueberry, highbush (live plants) | Wintergreen (live plants) | Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Nutt. (live plants) | Gaultheria fragrantissima Wall. (live plants) | Small cranberry (live plants) | Ledum palustre L. (live plants) | Rhododendron simsii Planch (live plants) | Agarista salicifolia (Lam.) G.Don (live plants) | Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D.Don.ex G.Don. (live plants) | Erica arborea L. (live plants) | Kalmia latifolia L. (live plants) | Erica tetralix L. (live plants) | Heather (live plants)
notation A138Q
pref label Ericaceae - family (live plants)
scope note Live plant organism of the taxonomical group Ericaceae (family) The group is relevant for the list of Botanicals.
state Natural sources
termType Hierarchy term
type Food-type | Concept