Register: Species
Species codes for EU approved food establishments and certain other specified food establishments from Annex III Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. The species register is based upon Annex V that sets down codes and legends to be used when completing a list of establishments.
Name poultry | Notation A | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name bovine | Notation B | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name caprine | Notation C | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name lagomorphs | Notation L | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name ovine | Notation O | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name porcine | Notation P | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name ratite | Notation R | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name solipeds | Notation S | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name farmed land mammals other than domestic ungulates | Notation fG | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name wild birds | Notation wA | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name wild land mammals other than wild ungulates and wild lagomorphs | Notation wG | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name wild lagomorphs | Notation wL | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |
Name wild ungulates | Notation wU | Description | Types Species, Concept | Status retired |