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Regulated Food and Feed Products for Great Britain

Adansonia digitata (Baobab) dried fruit pulp

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Product details

The Baobab ( Adansonia digitata ) fruits are harvested from trees. The hard shells are cracked open and the pulp is separated from the seeds and the shell. This is milled, separated into coarse and fine lots (particle size 3 to 600 μ) and then packaged.
Authorised novel ID

Conditions of use

Conditions under which the novel food may be used
not specified
Additional specific labelling requirements
The designation of the novel food on the labelling of the foodstuffs containing it shall be 'Baobab fruit pulp'
Other requirements
not specified
Data Protection
not specified


Date of authorisation
Pre-1 January 2021 (from Assimilated EU regulations)
Last updated
The date the item authorisation was last updated.
