Food Standards Agency Data

Data Catalog

Displaying datasets 21 - 40 of 255 in total

Approved Food Establishments in England and Wales

A full list of establishments in England and Wales approved to handle, prepare or produce products of animal origin for which requirements are laid down in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. A monthly snap shot, as of 1st of every month, is available in this dataset from January 2018. Prior to May 2022, this list contained details of establishments in all of the UK. Details of establishments in Northern Ireland can now be found here ( ) and establishments in Scotland, here ( ).



Authorisations Held by FSA Staff

A snap-shot of the numbers of FSA inspection staff (Official Veterinarians and Meat Hygiene Inspectors) designated for red meat, poultry and wild game.



Border Notifications

The Border Notifications (BN) dashboard is primarily an IT tool designed to exchange information between the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Port Health Authorities (PHAs) in England and Wales on health risks related to imported food and feed. The BN system underpins the exchange of information to PHAs on food and feed related risks. This tool enables PHAs to take coordinated, coherent, and simultaneous actions to ensure the highest possible level of consumer protection. A BN is triggered by a PHA on the BN dashboard module when the existence of a serious, direct, or indirect, risk to public health linked to imported food or feed is detected.



CCTV Survey

Data from a single day in May 2016 showing the number of slaughterhouses in England and Wales which have CCTV at specified points in the slaughter process. This data was previously published as part of the “Results of CCTV Survey” report in August 2016.



CO2 shortages weekly consumer survey

This weekly tracking survey was established at the end of September 2021 to track consumer perceptions, awareness, and concerns in relation to the CO2 shortages in the food industry in addition to other topical issues (such as labour shortages). This survey was commissioned for 6 waves, each one week apart. The consumer insights report (November 2021) provides a written commentary of the key findings from this data.


Displaying datasets 21 - 40 of 255 in total
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