Food Standards Agency Data

Data Catalog

Displaying datasets 181 - 200 of 202 in total

Salmonella Testing Programme

Results of the Salmonella Testing Programme collected by the Food Standards Agency's which applies to food business operators processing over 37,500 pigs a year. The results are reported by month.



Sheep & Goat Conditions Data

Sheep & goat condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of sheep & goat throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month.



Summary of Food/Feed Safety Incident Root Cause Analysis (RCA) information received by the Food Standards Agency

The information summarises anonymised Root Cause Analysis (RCA) data received by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for corresponding food/feed safety incidents during the 2021/22 Reporting Year. The information is being published as open data on the FSA’s website and will be used to obtain stakeholder feedback on content and format, during future phases of an Alpha development project. It is the first step in making sure we get information in a format that is useful for others to interpret, with an overall aim of being able to learn from incidents to reduce the risk of them recurring. If you require further information regarding this publication, please direct your query to



The UK Public's Interests, Needs and Concerns around Food

This dataset contains the full data tables detailing responses to a consumer survey conducted on behalf of the FSA and FSS across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. 6175 consumers across the UK completed an online survey between 14th and 28th January 2022. Quotas were set in each nation across age, gender and socioeconomic group to give a representative sample in each nation. The total UK sample of 6175 has been weighted down to 4918 to ensure it is representative across the four nations of the UK in terms of relative population size of each nation: 1) within nation in terms of age bands, gender, socio-economic groupings based on chief wage earner occupation, overall incidence of BAME and incidence of long-term chronic conditions. 2) In England only the sample is also representative in terms of the relative size of North, Midlands and South including London.



Thermal Inactivation Model for Hepatitis E Virus

This model was generated as part of FSA-funded research project FS301062. The model includes a collection of thermal stability data on Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in the published literature and generated by the contractors. The model uses these data in different matrices such as food, saline and plasma to predict the impact of different time-temperature treatments on HEV titres. The model is constructed in R, and uses a Shiny app within RStudio.


Displaying datasets 181 - 200 of 202 in total
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