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Food and You 2 Survey: Wave 7 data tables, abridged dataset and data user guide. Data were collected between 23rd April 2023 and 10th July 2023. Tables are provided for England, Wales and Northern Ireland combined and separately. A more detailed dataset (SPSS) will be uploaded to the UK Data Service.
Food and You 2 Survey: Wave 8 data tables, abridged dataset and data user guide. Data were collected between 12th October 2023 and 8th January 2024. Tables are provided for England, Wales and Northern Ireland combined and separately. A more detailed dataset (SPSS) will be uploaded to the UK Data Service.
A list of food business types that are used with the Register a Food Business service.
A list of specific products not of animal origin which are currently under harmonised import controls in the European Union (EU) for import from specific non-EU countries.
Complaints about the Food Standards Agency handled under stage 1 to 3 of the formal complaints process.
FOI requests received by the Agency and other information released under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.
FOI requests received by the FSA and other information released under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.
2017 FOI requests received by the Agency and other information released under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations
2018 FOI requests received by the Agency and other information released under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.
2019 FOI requests received by the Agency and other information released under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.
2020 FOI requests received by the Agency and other information released under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.
2021 FOI requests received by the Agency and other information released under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations.
A monthly-updated list of all FSA GPC (procurement card) spending over £500 as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.
These two datasets provide the responses to a survey on food including what influences decisions on what people choose to eat, and what is important to people when selecting food for example price, animal welfare, origin of food. Knowledge of the food system Use of technology when purchasing food and key concerns about food. The total sample includes all age groups 16+ and has a sample size of 2475. The Gen Z sample is of generation Z only 16- 25 year olds and has a sample size of 619.
This dataset includes all the data collected by the Handwashing consumer tracker survey, collected quarterly via Ipsos MORI’s i:omnibus. The survey is based on adults (aged 16-75) living in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Demographic and regional breakdowns are provided in these data tables.
A breakdown of all FSA helpline activity including all phone calls, messages and emails that were received and processed.
The Animal and Plant Health Agency carry out egg hygiene inspections on behalf of the Food Standards Agency to ensure compliance with hygiene and safety regulations at hen egg producing establishments. An annual report of key performance indicators is produced, including numbers of inspections and follow up visits, enforcement actions undertaken and levels of compliance. Compliant establishments are those where no improvements are needed. Figures are also provided for Production Population including details of types of production, numbers of units and numbers of hens.
The FSA information asset list shows a collection of different types of information relating to a topic. Recording that they have value so they can be managed together and effectively used, shared and protected.