Food Standards Agency Data

Data Catalog

Displaying all 8 datasets

Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences Issued

Number of Slaughter Licences and Certificates of Competence issued by year. Please note that Welfare Legislation changed in 2014 in Wales and 2015 in England which removed the issue of Slaughter Licences and implemented Certificates of Competence. No further updates to this dataset will be made - it has now been replaced by 'Certificates of Competence'.

Regulation / Legislation / EU



EU Approved Additives and their E Numbers

Approved food additives and their E Numbers, used for Colours, Preservatives, Antioxidants, Sweeteners, Emulsifiers, Stabilisers, Thickeners and Gelling Agents. Most additives are only permitted to be used in certain foods and are subject to specific quantitative limits.

additives production Regulation / Legislation / EU Safety



Food and Feed Businesses subject to Intensified Official Controls

A list of companies exporting to the European Union currently made subject by the European Commission to Intensified Official Controls (those with the statuses ‘Active’, ‘Imposing checks’ or ‘New’ in the Intensified Official Controls part of the TRACES/TRACES NT system). It is possible that certain companies who have recently been made subject to checks and have yet to have a check carried out on them may not be on this list.

Regulation / Legislation / EU



National Reference Laboratories

The UK National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) network is responsible for setting up EU-wide standards for routine procedures and reliable testing methods in the areas of feed and food and animal health. Details of UK NRLs in food and feed and the responsible department

national reference laboratories nrl Regulation / Legislation / EU


Displaying all 8 datasets
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