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Food Standards Agency Codes

Register: root

Register representing the root of the registry tree.


Name Alerts Notation alerts Description Codelists that support the FSA Food Safety Alerts API coverin... Types Container, Register Status experimental
Name Business Notation business Description Codes and vocabularies used in describing businesses (includi... Types Container, Register Status experimental
Name Controlled Establishments Notation controlled-establishments Description Codelist and ontologies that support the descriptions and typ... Types Container, Register Status experimental
Name Definitions Notation def Description Code lists, concept schemes and other collections in the regi... Types Container, Register Status stable
Name Enforcement Monitoring Notation enforcement-monitoring Description Codelist and ontologies that support the descriptions and typ... Types Register, Container Status experimental
Name Food Types Notation foodtype Description Food Type identifiers, supporting codes and vocabularies base... Types Register, Container Status experimental
Name Geographies Notation geographies Description Key Geography codelists and ontologies used by the FSA Types Register, Container Status experimental
Name Organisation Notation organisation Description A collection of coded lists related to the organisation of th... Types Register, Container Status experimental
Name Reference Number Notation reference-number Description Codelists and vocabularies supporting the generation of FSA R... Types Container, Register Status experimental
Name Structure Notation structure Description Code lists used to aid organizing and presenting the Food Sta... Types Container, Register Status stable
Name System register Notation system Description Internal registers which are used to control system operation Types Register, Container Status stable